Notice of Water Maintenance


Aloha Neighbors,

Please be advised that on Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 8:00am Pural Water Company will be onsite for required testing of the Backflow Preventers. Please be aware that there will be 10-15 minute temporary water shutdowns occurring as they test each device.

Apologies in advance for any inconvenience and mahalo for your understanding.

December Newsletter


Aloha Neighbors,

These notes are being sent out as a follow up to the Board’s first meeting together since the Annual Meeting election. Our intention is keep neighbors informed of what we’re prioritizing and leave space for anyone who is interested to get involved. If there is anyone interested in getting involved with one of the projects listed, please contact the Board or Property Management, we’re happy to have more participation from the community.


– Painting standpipes, gate, water pumps, tank base and bollards
– Repair, extend or replace roof structure over well electronics
– Build a covering for the low pumps; this was recommended by the Dept. of Health. Dog kennel coverings used in the past have the problem of wearing out and creating a humid environment inside when the ground dries out. Air flow needed.
– Repair or replace structure at gate housing electronics
– Create a housing for keypad gate access
– Secure all lava rocks to the entry gate posts and replace lava rocks as needed
– Driveway “loops” – tentatively Summer 2023
– Electronics are failing that allow for automatic opening upon exit and bouncing back open if something is in the way.
– Pavement also needs repair and replacement over that area and in other parts of the neighborhood
– With repair, loops will be sealed under the asphalt, preventing easy future damage – Seal entire pavement within community

Pedestrian Gate:

– Is it worth the expense given that our gate is open 2 full days/week for the county garbage? Benefit to being on county garbage because it is much less expensive. We are grandfathered in, the county no longer services communities and won’t take a gate code.
– Beneficial to have a locked entrance for liability
– Worth looking into an estimate

Entry Landscaping:

– Looking for input from neighbors. Could be a good opportunity after the “loop” work on the pavement. Note that it will be difficult to provide irrigation
– One benefit of a low key entrance is that our community is not very visible in terms of potential crime


– Considering neutral colored speed limit sign to remind residents and guests to drive slowly and watch for pedestrians.
– CC&Rs do not allow signage. We could vote to change those. Another option is to post a simple sign outside the gate, which would not oppose the CC&Rs


– In order to pay for the improvements the board is proposing, monies will have to be a combination of reserve funds and a special assessment may need to be considered.
– Maintenance fees have not been raised for at least four years, when the board prepares a budget at the end of 2022 maintenance fees will be raised.

Sarah, Joann, Shunyo, Mike G, and Judy

Gate Repair


Aloha Neighbors,

Please be advised that the entrance gate is currently not operating. Centra Systems has been notified and will be here to repair it as soon as possible. In the meantime the gate is being left in the open position until repairs are completed.

Your WKM HOA Board of Directors

Gate Phone Line Issue


Aloha Neighbors,
The heavy rains this week have compromised the telephone line at our gate call box. Functions that use the phone line (ringing a home from the directory and remote programming) are currently not working. Our management company is scheduling repairs to take place as soon as possible.

Entering entry codes, wireless remotes and the scheduled gate programming for trash pickup are all still working normally.

Mahalo for your patience and cooperation.

Your WKM HOA Board of Directors

Water Line Repair

Aloha Neighbors,

Pural Water Special Co., Inc. will be fixing a leaking water meter tomorrow, Wednesday, October 7, 2020.

All water will be turned off from 9am until Noon.

If you have any questions, please contact Mike Fahnert of Hawaiiana Management Co. at [email protected] or (808) 269-9210.
Mahalo for your patience and cooperation.

Your WKM HOA Board of Directors

Neighborhood Watch

Please be advised that Caron Barrett is now our Neighborhood Watch Captain.

WKM residents can report anything of concern to her cell phone, 808-357-4298.

Thank you to all for keeping our neighborhood safe.

Your WKM HOA Board of Directors

Backflow Preventer Installation July 23, 2020


Aloha Neighbors,

Pural Water Special Co., Inc. will be installing backflow preventers on Thursday, July 23, 2020 for the following Lots: 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11.

Water will be turned off when the backflow is installed for 2 to 4 hours per lot between the hours of 7:00am and 3:30pm.

If you have any questions, please contact Carol Gentz of Hawaiiana Management Co. at [email protected] or (808) 281-2556.

Mahalo for your patience and cooperation.

Your WKM HOA Board of Directors

Backflow Preventer Installation

Aloha Neighbors,

Pural Water Special Co., Inc. will be on property on Thursday and Friday, July 9th and 10th doing prep work to install the remaining backflow preventers. Installation of the remaining backflow preventers is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, July 16th as well as Thursday and Friday, July 23rd and 24th.

When the installation schedule is finalized and the specific lots are scheduled, homeowners will be notified. Water will be turned off when the backflow preventer is installed for 2 to 4 hours per lot between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact Carol Gentz of Hawaiiana Management Co. at [email protected] or (808) 281-2556.

Mahalo for your patience and cooperation.

Your WKM HOA Board of Directors

2019 Water Quality Report

Aloha Neighbors,

Please click here to view/download the Consumer Confidence Report for Calendar Year 2019.

This report is being made available to you pursuant to the requirements of the 1996 Amendments to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, which requires the West Kuiaha Meadows Water System provide information to its consumers related to personal health-related decisions regarding their drinking water consumption. The water system had no violation of State or Federal safe drinking water regulations in 2019.

Please provide copies of the report to any tenants residing on your property.

If you would like a copy of the Consumer Confidence Report for Calendar Year 2019 mailed to you, please contact Carol Gentz of Hawaiiana Management Co. at [email protected] or (808) 281-2556.

Thank you,

Your WKM HOA Board of Directors

Storm Preparation

It’s turning out to be a busy hurricane season so here we go again preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. So just a reminder to keep an eye on the weather reports and be prepared with extra stores of water in containers and/or a bathtub. As you know water delivery to our neighborhood is power dependent and susceptible to surges/spikes in the grid. Depending on how the storm develops there is a possibility that we might need to disconnect the water pumps again to protect them from damage which would mean no water to your homes for a period of time. We can’t know if this will be necessary until the storm gets closer but please be prepared just in case. We will keep you updated via these email announcements if/when more information is available.

Stay safe,

Caron Barrett, President
Your WKM HOA Board of Directors